
オンラインムーブメントメディスン--- DANCE FOR EARTH ---


Dance for Earths.jpg


An invitation for Free Online Dance Meditation for YOU!

On Friday 20th March 19:30 in CET time
about 60 minute

On the day of Spring equinox, we will gather online to dance for inviting Spring lights into darkness.
Especially to be strong for a global confusion we are confronting now with Virus now.

Dance is our prayer,
our body is our temple,
Movement is our worship,
every breath is our meditation.

Let's connect with zoom online and dance together at your home,
we will be in the distance but we can still connect.
We can become one with our dance for our Earth.

Contents :
It is a free style conscious dance time for yourself.
Starting from a short announcement by Simple English with a Facilitator, Yuki Lakshminarayani.
Then we will dance with Music she provides.
No body will be guiding or leading for your dance while you are dancing,
but Music will invite you to go into your own movement, and our energies will support each other to be connected to

here and now,
center of your own circle,
people who you love,
your trueself,
our mother Earth.

You can just dance freely and consciously to engage that your movement or dance is prayer for Earth.
We shall use our body, mind, time,breath and movement for prayer.

Let's dance, let's pray.
Together, our conscious and prayer become stronger.

Ideally you might should have some experiences of any conscious dance, because there will be no guidance during your dance.
Although starting new experience here is also fantastic and will be welcomed!

Use your bluetooth earphone or connect to external speaker are reccomended to listen the music comfortably!!

Here is the information:
When: Friday, March 20
Time: 19:30 in CET time

Please click the link below to join the webinar:


input this ID:
ID: 507 501 449

to participate via zoom, you need to first download the free zoom app on your computer. You can do that here.

and down load "Basic personal meeting Free" into your mobile, PC, tablet or any devices. After download it, just click the link above. Then you will be already in the dance room!

Facilitator :
Yuki Lakshminarayani
(Birth Place : Japan, Live Place : Germany)

Movement Medicine AP Teacher, Spiritual Healer, Shamanic Dance Performer, International Yoga teacher

Offering unique sessions, classes and retreats of Movement Medicine, Self creative therapy, Original Insight Yoga, Meditation, Energy work healing, Singing Bowl Sound Treatment and Shamanic dance performance.
She has more than 20 years experience of leading for group exercises in Japan, India, Europe and around the world.
In her work, supporting for unity of Body, Mind and Spirit, and reconnection to the Nature within.

Web-site : https://beyond3.jimdofree.com/
FB : Yuki Lakshminarayani
FB : Beyond 3 - Movement Medicine with Yuki / Insight Yoga / Energy Work Healing

posted by ユキ ラクシュミナラヤニ at 12:35| ムーブメントメディスン・シャーマニックダンス | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする